Private Fishing Access On
The Yuba River
Unique private access to one of the top fishing destinations in California.
This beautiful spot is right on the banks of the Yuba, upstream from Hwy 20, near Marysville.
This is the premier trout water with wading access and a boat launch.
We're making just a few new passes available for 2023 - 2024.
Sign up today to secure your annual pass. Includes unlimited access for a whole year, only $900.

The Yuba - California's Top Trout River
Open year-round to fishing, the Yuba is a unique river. It's big trout water, but easy to wade and float.
The hatches are legendary: PMDs, March Browns, Skwala stoneflies, Baetis and more. When these bugs are on top, you can find pods of trout rising methodically in low, clear water. It's very challenging fishing yet so rewarding when you get it right.
Yuba trout will also hit spinners and flies swung through the tailouts and deeper runs. From September through January you can find large trout, even steelhead, feeding on eggs near Salmon redds.

Yuba Trout love the emerger :)

March Browns

Yes, Salmon flies hatch right along our property!
Skwala Stoneflies
Big Trout

Family Outings


Yuba Rainbow on a PMD Emerger
A Unique Adventure
Access on the Yuba is special and very limited due to private land on both sides of the river. Your annual pass with the Yuba Anglers gives you unlimited private access for wading and floating in the most desirable section of the Yuba. This is a special place.
The Lower Yuba has over 1,000 Wild Rainbow trout per mile. Yuba Rainbows are direct descendants of Steelhead - and you feel it in the fight!
When you hook an 18" 'bow here, be ready for leaps and powerful runs.

The Yuba is clear water with over 1,000 trout per mile